Create Verified QQ Account without Phone Number? (Solved!)

QQ is one of the most famous social media platforms in China, which is similar to Whatsapp.  QQ as a whole is decreasing in popularity, but it still owns 6.06 billion active users are present. The primary user community is young Chinese people.

Where WeChat is extremely focused on communication with a close circle of friends, QQ is leveraging its more open ecosystem to appeal to a younger audience that is more willing to step out of its comfort zone and meet people beyond its closed circle of friends. QQ and Wechat both belonged to Tencent.

What can you use QQ for?

  • Shop on most the Chinese website, including Jingdong and Pingduoduo
  • Transfer money to your friends
  • Pay credit card bills
  • Pay phone bills
  • Invest in a mutual fund with Tencent
  • Check bank balance
  • In-store purchases for selected supermarkets, restaurants

How to create a verified QQ account?

As foreigners, before creating a verified QQ account?  Have following ready

  • Your passport number
  • Bank card
  • Phone number

QQ is a regulated platform that required user ID confirmation through a QQ verification code sent in the form of a text message on the user’s phone number. You can use a Chinese phone number to get the QQ verification code text message on your device.

Create Verified QQ Account

Why shall you get a Chinese phone number to get OPT?

The reason is below:

  1. Protect Your Privacy
  2. Stay Safe from Cyber Threats
  3. Personal Preference and Convenience

How To get a Chinese phone number for receiving the QQ Verification Code? visit It is available to receive SMS online website.

1. Download the QQ App. You can then get the account verified via  Click “Add or Register Account”

2. Click New User Registration

3. Enter the Chinese phone number where you can pick one from Then, click Next.

OPT will be sent to the Chinese phone number,  you can find POT on

Success created QQ account:

4. Open the “Me” section of the APP

5. Enter the “My Account: Cards, Membership” section

6. Tap on the “My Cards – Add Now” button

7. Set a six-digit payment password

8. Tap on “My Cards – Add Now” again. Add your bank card number after entering the transaction password that you have set during step 5

9. Fill in your bank card information. Enter your ID details

10. Enter the SMS phone verification confirmation code

At last, you got a verified QQ account.

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